I decided to make another wreath - (I gave away the first one) using the Beau Chateau - which is also retiring and therefore only available until the end of this month. The wreath is not completed yet - but here is a series of pictures that I took of the process I am going through in making it. I started out with a 5" styrofoam ring from a local hobby store. I then added 1" strips of muslin around the ring - it takes about 3 to go all the way around the ring.
Once I had the muslin wrapped all the way around the ring - I added some of the pleated satin ribbon found in the mini catalog. This ribbon is no longer available.
Then I took my Beau Chateau Designer Paper and started punching flowers using the blossom punch. This item was in the occasions mini catalog - and may be carried over to the new catalog that will come out next month. My wreath took 60 flowers - using four different papers using both sides. When I was done punching the flowers, I spritzed them with water and crumpled them up. Now at this point, I decided to open them back up and dry that way - as it was much harder to open up the flowers once they were dry with my first wreath.
I took srtips of muslin tied them in knots and then tied some baja breeze and pretty in pink ribbon around the muslin. I punched 3/4" circles and then used the glimmer brads in the center.
After the flowers were dry, I layered three of them - reversing the paper on the middle flower and then hot glued them together. I then added the brad center with hot glue and my flower was ready to place on my wreath.
The flowers are not all ready to place on my wreath yet - but this is the begining on how it will look when it is done. I am going to finish this up and give it to my mom for Mother's Day. She is coming to visit in a couple weeks - and will arrive just a couple days after Mother's Day, so this will be a fitting and fun gift to give to her.
I hop you have enjoyed seeing one of the few things I have been able to work on lately - work at the Spa where I work has been crazy busy - but it is starting to slow down - which might mean I will have more time to craft. We will see.
Stop by again soon

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