I had to miss the last
Sugar Bowl challenge because I was in the thick of moving. However, I decided I was NOT going to miss this one - even if I am pushing the deadline hugely!! One of my internet friends on another forum reminded me that the deadline for the challenge was TODAY! And it is GMT - which translated means Scotland Time - so if you look at my clocks - you will see, I am nearly there.
So, on to my card - I already had this sweet Sugar Nellie stamped out and cut to size (more or less), but I decided I wanted to use purples rather than the traditional greens and reds.

So, I started out with no particular theme in mind - but as I was working on it, I was thinking of my friend Lisa (we are staying with them right now) and her mom. Her mom has been out of sorts lately and I decided that I would make this card to cheer her up. I don't believe she has seen any of my cards yet - Lisa was going to show her one when she was visiting the other day, but I don't think she ever did. So, with that theme in mind - I set about to finish the card - trying to keep within the theme of the challenge - using ribbon and bows.
I have another project to show you - so stick around for a little bit.
Lovely thoughtful idea - & I love the lace ribbon tying in with the scalloped circle. My favourite colours too.
Paula (PEP)
this is beautiful this image is so cute especially in purple which i love xx
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