Monday is Memorial Day, a day that we traditionally have set aside to remember those who have fought for our freedom.

However the day is often welcomed as a day off from school or work, the 'official' kick-off to summer and sales abound everywhere. But what about those who cannot be with us? The men and women that are out there on the front lines everyday fighting for these kinds of freedoms?
This weekend,
Cards for Heroes wants to spread the word in remembering these 'heroes'. Through the bloghop this weekend (click the blinkie at the left to start at the very beginning) you will read stories about the men and women who serve and the organization that remembers them, not just on Memorial Day, but throughout the year by sending handmade cards donated from card makers like myself and others. These donated cards are sent to our troops so they in return can send beautiful cards to their loved ones back at home that wait and pray for their safe return. There are no card shops in these war torn areas, so the troops appreciate the shipments of cards that are sent to them through Cards For Heroes.

The cards are sent not only to places like Afghanistan and Iraq, but also to our Navy Vessels that are out to sea. Many of us are familiar with the recent kidnapping of Captain Phillips by Pirates off the coast of Africa. My best friend's son-in-law serves in the Navy and is out to sea. I knew that he was somewhere off the coast of Africa, so when I heard this news, I contacted her to ask if he was on the ship that was involved. He certainly was - the
USS Bainbridge was in the waters where this kidnapping took place.

When Navy Seals took out the pirates, Captain Phillips was taken aboard the USS Bainbridge. We all were relieved at the outcome - that it was successful and no American lives were lost in this incident. Shortly after this incident occurred, a shipment of cards from Cards For Heroes was sent to the USS Bainbridge. The men aboard the ship were delighted and surprised to receive the shipment of cards - exclaiming 'there were like 300 or more cards'!! It is stories like these that cause us to remember EVERYDAY those men and women and to continue to send cards so THEY
'OUR HEROES' can remember their loved ones. Along with each shipment of 300+ cards, there are 'anyhero' cards - cards of thanks written to the troops thanking them for their service.

I got involved with Cards For Heroes mainly because I love making cards, but make more than I can use and the cards were just sitting around. I had cards from swaps, cards I have made for challenges. Beautiful cards, wonderful cards - but cards just gathering dust. I knew that there were organizations out there that would make use of my extra cards - so when I discovered Cards for Heroes, I knew this was the organization that I wanted to donate too. My first shipment was sent earlier this year and it was 100 cards that were a combination of cards I had made and cards I had received in swaps. I have another 50 cards that I have made that are ready to ship and another 50+ from swaps that I have to get ready to ship. In the meantime, I continue to make cards everyday through the challenges on the 365 card blog - as you scroll down on my blog, you can see some of these cards - most all of them will go to Cards For Heroes.

An organization like this relies on the many volunteers that donate and
TEREZA is another volunteer that donates cards that she and her daughter make. You can read all about how she got involved in CFH
During this weekend, I will be putting together some blog candy (it's a surprise). Just by leaving a comment, I will put your name in a basket and at the end of the hop I will choose one hopper. It is my way of saying THANKS for visiting and learning more about CFH (and it is ALSO my birthday on Tuesday!!)
Thanks for stopping by - and don't forget - if you have landed here quite by accident, start at the top of the hop by clicking on the blinkie at the top of the page.
~*~ Paula *~*
1 – 200 of 217 Newer› Newest»Hey Paula!! Very eloquent post. And your cards are just beautiful! I am from the blog that links to you! Kerilou 2peas, SCS
Love all your cards and thanks for being so involved. I know the they are appreciated for sure.
Hope you have a great Memorial weekend and Happy early Birthday.
I loved reading what you had to say and your cards look fabulous!
This is such an exciting event!
Lovely post Paula. And wonderful cause. My dad was a WWII vet as were several uncles; several uncles were Korean War vets; an uncle and two of my brothers were Vietnam Vets; my other brothers served our country during peace time. Even a great-great-great uncle was a Captain in the Union Army during the Civil War. Thanks for posting about this organization!
Wonderful cards Paula, and such a nice post. That is really interesting about your best friend's SIL! I am so very thankful for brave men and women like him!
Hi Paula,
Beautiful Cards and love your blog scenery, very cute!! Keep creating and giving!!
Have a SWEET and SAFE Memorial Day Weekend!!
Love what you are doing! Are you all going to do this for the fourth of July too or is it just once a year! I'd love to participate in such a great cause! Thanks for doing this for the troops! You Rock!
Fabulous cards! Wonderful post!!!
Beautiful Paula, I enjoyed reading your post. :)
Your post was absolutely incredible and it's obvious how much CFH means to you.
Thanks for all the information. What a wonderful organization!
WOW!! What a bunch of truly heartfelt cards!! I love your details on each one!! :) Thanks for sharing and supporting!
Such wonderful cards! Thanks for putting your talent to a great use and sharing the news with others!
Great projects! Love how you tore the cardstock on the 1st card.
Wonderful card! Great job honoring our military! {{cheers}}
Beautiful job, I love the background on the first card! TFS!
oh--thanks for telling the story for us--I'm sure glad they were all safe for sure! Great cards today and so wonderful to hear how much you do!
Thanks for sharing! Beautiful cards!
What a wonderful way to tell our troops how much they mean to us! Thanks for sharing your talents with them.
Love all your cards. I'm also sending cards that I made. Way more than I could ever use.
Your post and your card are so inspiring, I am so happy I stopped by! Thank you and Happy Memorial Day weekend.
Happy Memorial Day, I love the card you made the tassels are so cute.
Your cards are beautiful! Thank you so much for supporting our troops!
Wonderful card! The troops will be so pleased!
LOVE the cards... thanks for supporting our troops!
Thanks for sharing your story and card photos Paula. Glad I hopped in! I didn't realize CFH shipped to ships :) I have participated in the past, but I am long overdue to get some more cards in the mail. Thanks for the inspiration!
thanks for posting your cards. They're all great. I read some of your other posts too. Think I might have to "bookmark" your site. :-)
Your cards are wonderful. This is so fun to bloghop and get more ideas for such a good cause.
Nice your cards.
Carolyn Miller
What a terrific post! So glad that your beautiful cards are finding a HOME! & Happy Birthday next week!
Happy Birthday on Tuesday!
I've just found out about this and think it is such a great way to utilize your talent and help others at the same time!
Gorgeous cards and I love your blog. Congrats on helping out with such an amazing cause! Best of luck.
Marcy Kaminski
Great post and great cards!!! Keep up the good work ~ our nation needs the support!
A very moving post. Your card is super cute & fits the theme perfectly.
Happy Memorial Day & thanks for inspiring me
Love your blog Paula. You are amazing by helping with such a wonderful cause as CFH! Best of look to you.
Marcy Kaminski
Wonderful post...I loved all the info you provided.
Have a lovely weekend, remembering our heroes!
blessings to you from a Marine mom
So glad you are doing the blog hop. Fun! Thanks for being a part of "something bigger." *smile*
Beautiful cards and I LOVED reading your post! I printed up my stash of card sketches today so that I can get hopping... ;)
Your cards are very nice. Happy Memorial Day!
Great job!!!!!!!
Great looking cards, love the USS Bainbridge story too :)
Paula I love all of your patriotic cards. This blog hop is making me feel so inspired to begin making cards again. Thanks!
Hi, I like your blog dsign and the title. I appreciate your writing about this event and Cards for Heroes very well. Thank you for your inspireing cards.
What a beautiful post, Paula! I enjoyed reading every bit of it! Beautiful cards as well.
Have a wonderful Memorial weekend!
Thanks for honoring our heroes and thanks for sharing with us hoppers! Love you cards and your blog.
Thanks so much for your eloquence, my bless us all with your sharing :) Your cards are fantastic as always, too!
and lest it go unsung...
Kudos to you for such wonderful donations!
Wow, its amazing all the cards you have given!
Thank you for your involvement with Cards for Heros. My brother and husband were both in the military and now my son is in the Navy. I know how important it is for them to get cards to send back when they have no opportunity.
Your blog is great!! Thanks for sharing!!
Wonderful post, and I love the NAVY card. I am an Army brat, and my husband was in the Army as well. Thank you for making these cards!
Paula - inspiring post PLUS blog candy!!!!!!!!
Thank you
How lovely of you to participate in such a worthy cause!!
Hi, thank you for sharing your nice cards. I appreciate your writing about this event and the reason for doing it very well.
I also like your blog design and the title of it. It is very touching.
Such wonderful, patriotic cards. Great job!
My son-in-law is serves on an aircraft carrier and is currently at sea. I'm grateful to all who provide spiritual support to our soliders, sailors, airmen and marines. And I've got to say: Lovely cards.
Great blog comments and great cards. I loved the stamp sets used.
Great cards. Loved the sets used.
Love your blog. Great cards for heros.
Magnificent cards - Your stamping is fantastic! Happy early birthday!
I like your cards. I hope you make more. Thank you for letting us see your cards. Love, Gigi Nolan (age 7)
[as written by her Mommy, Deborah, at]
great card Paula!
love your cards. nice job!
Thank you for your time and energy! I did not know Cardsforheros exsisted until the other day! As the spouse of a deployed hero I have to say that I know the men and women appreciate this! My DH just commented the other day that the makeshift PX only had birthday and graduation cards so he "made" me a sort of card instead.. LOL! - I will definately be looking into donating some cards myself!
Thanks again!
Love your card and what you are doing! Happy Birthday on Tuesday!
As an Army Mom, thank you so much for dontating to the organizations. Your post brought tears to my eyes!! Thank you so much
Thank you for the inspiration!
I will be getting together a package of cards I have to send to CHF on Tuesday.
great card and best wishes for a wonderful birthday.
Wow, that Navy card is gorgeous! We are an Army family here in IL. Thank you for your support of our military!
Wow, what a super great post! AND! Happy Birthday on Tuesday! Hugs! :)
Lovely creations! Happy Memorial Day to you.
Just hopping in for CFH. Enjoyed your card. See you in bloggersphere.
Great cards and thank you for doing them!!
beautiful cards and i can't wait to do the 92 days of summer contest
These are AWESOME! and you've used some of my very favorite stamps!
Great cards - thank you!!
Well love that simple card, I like to tear paper! Happy Birthday on Tues! Thanks for a chance to win some scrappy goodies!
this entire bloghop is awesome. THanks for participating!
Wonderful cards. I love what you are doing and it's a great week=end to showcase what Cards for Heroes is all about.
Gorgeous cards! Have a wonderful memorial day weekend!
Your cards are absolutely beautiful!
Thankyou for sharing your cards and story. This is my 1st CFH blog hop and I am looking forward to making cards for our troops. I hope you have a Wonderful Birthday!
WOW! Thanks for sending all those cards to our troops! God Bless you and yours!
Wonderful posting and great contributions to the heroes overseas. Thanks for sharing!
Awesome!!! TFS
Lovely cards and what a great idea for the cards that you receive through swaps. I always feel so guilty just having them sit on my book shelf.
I will definitely send them off to CFH on Tuesday.
Creative cards! And Happy Birthday!
thank you, thank you, thank you. my husband is in the military, stationed here in the US, but your cards and all that go into them is appreciated more than you know. We have to let the men and women who have spent the greater of the last 8 years of their lives in another country that we have not forgotten about them and that we appreciate their service. have a great weekend, mary b
Lovely-- I love your design elements!
What a great cause! I'm happy to be blog hopping for this event!
What a beautiful card & post!!
You all are inspiring me to get involved - thank you!
Your cards are so beautiful!!
Thanks for sharing! I have a cousin in the Marines and one in the Air Force...both are overseas right now! My neighbor just returned from Iraq not long ago. Thanks for all you're doing for our soldiers. And, Happy Early Birthday! Katie
Thanks to Twitter, I became aware of the CFH Blog Hop. This is such a wonderful idea.
Makes me wonder if there are anything else like this for card makers to participate in, especially up here in Canada.
Thanks for a chance to win some blog candy!
Happy Birthday on Tuesday. Great card!
Beautiful card - love to do things for our military!
Great cards!
Hello Paual, Happy Early Birthday! Your cards are great! I really like the Navy themed one - that paper and the little extras are so cool!
Really beautiful cards! Thanks for the chance to win!
First of all I am glad your friend's son-in-law is safe and secondly this blog hop is so fun. CFH is a fabulous idea, thanks for sharing the info. BTW Happy Birthday
Such pretty cards! Thank you for participating! Lisa
Such gorgeous cards ... and a wonderful cause! I'll be sending some of my extra cards in too!
Wonderful cards and such a great way to support our troops!
hi Paula, thanks for sharing your heart and your beautiful cards. :)
Beautiful cards and it is plain to see you put a lot of thought and work into them.
Love the cards! Thank you for all that you do for this organization!
P.S. Hope you don't mind if I leave an additional comment.
Visit and check out their product catalog and also take a minute and go to to cast your vote for me!
I am in the running to win a scrapbook desk!
Wow - I am so impressed! I need to stop thinking about doing this and just start making cards! Thanks!
great cards. Thanks for joining in!
gorgeous card.. wow.... u did a great job!
As a new Navy mom, I appreciate people like you who put so much time, money, and care into blessing our soldiers and sailors! As a cardmaker myself, I know those cards don't come together in seconds!
Thank you, Paula!
Very nice cards, I liked the Navy one - my DH was in the NAVY!
Thanks for participating and sharing your lovely cards! Have a great weekend..
Thanks for participating!
Blessings to all the participants for their hard work in this wonderful cause. My eternal gratitude for the courage and selflessness of our troops and their families.
Happy birthday Paula!
What beautiful cards and a fine tribute to some special people giving their all!
Thanks for sharing your story and your cards! It is wonderful to have a way to give back to those who are giving us so much!
love your hop stop; thanks for supporting CFH.
What a lovely card, and I enjoyed reading your post.
This is awesome fun! My lazy bones had heard of this organization but never did anything about it. Today, reading your post I said to myself, "I can do this!" I am going to try to gather some cards and send them right away. Thanks for the inspiration and participation. Off to the next blog!
Hi Paula - thanks for your support of CFH.and for making this a terrific success. Have a wonderful and safe holiday weekend.
These are just wonderful!! you can use one for the Paper Blooms challenge this week and have a shot at winning the give a way i am doing on the 27th :D here...
I love your cards! Thank you so much for participating in this worthy cause!
Thanks for participating in the bloghop this weekend. I have a aton of cards so I will try to get some sent for you all to send on to the soldiers.
Aloha, Kate
Thanks for making amazing cards for our trooops.
thanks for all you do for our heros!
Thanks to be involved in Card for Heros.. nice blog!
Dear Paula,
Your post was heart-felt and articulate; and received with pride and goosebumps. I feel
privileged writing a comment on your blog - you organized and
accumulated 300 cards to send to USS Bainbridge with love and pride. I am a Marine Mom of two
Marine Sons, and a recently Son/Army vet. He served 13 months in Iraq. The third month in Iraq, he lost his best friend when they were hit by IED.
I am forever grateful for this organization/ministry and those who participate.
Your card is beautiful and you show-cased it with honor.
Thank you, Patti K.
Thanks for the inspiration!
Just starting to hop now, spent yesterday with our Marine who has a four day leave at Kennywood. Thank you for making cards for our heroes....your cards are great.
beautiful cards! Thank you for supporting CFH and have a wonderful Memorial Weekend! :)
Thank you for all the cards that you have made. Enjoyed checking out your blog
I love hops, and getting the chance to see some talented works that I otherwise might not see! How fun! Great cards.
Great cards and very inspiring post.
your cards are beautiful!
Very creative cards. I really like the "Proud to be an American."
I have to say I love the title of your blog, how true! Thank you for all your work.
What an awesome thing you are all doing! Beautiful cards for such a wonderful cause. Reading everything has really touched my heart.
Thank you for allowing me to be a "hopper" the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY on Tuesday. My hubbie's is on the 30th and our Anniversay of 37 yrs. is on the 27th.
...Mya God Bless you in all your hard work and kindness.
Janet Hopper (yes, Hopper IS my last name!)
I can see that I'll be finding some blogs to add to my favorite list. I think the Cards for Heros is a wonderful idea and will be participating for sure.
Have a Happy Birthday!!!
What a great thing you all are doing! Thank you!
jenniferlynnhansen at yahoo dot com
Paula, I've seen some of your cards on 365! Awesome. Thanks for sharing.
Your cards are fabulous and what a great way to share your creative talent. Thanks for sharing your story. Also...Happy Birthday! Thanks
I thank you for all you do, and I will be looking into getting a group together to make some cards for the troops, too. I have a box of card fronts just begging to be turned into cards, and I would love to send them to the troops.
thanks for sharing
ceashark at aol dot com
Thank you so much for being in this blog hop... It's fun to meet you and see what you are doing. What a great mission for our men and woman that serve... Thanks,
I think this is an amazing event! My family and I will celebrate Memorial Day by making some cards to pass along to the troops. Love this!
Nice card! I really like it. You have many nice projects on your blog. I plan on coming back to visit!
Thank you for sharing your blog with us! Your cards are awesome!
Beautiful cards! What a great cause
Love your cards, especially the 'God Bless America' card at the end. A clean and beautiful image. Thanks for your service to our service men and women.
your work is wonderful (so is your writing). Thanks for taking care of our service men and women. My hubby's one of them.
THank you for sharing your stories and your cards and being so involved in CFH. And Happy Birthday!
Beautiful cards - thanks for all you do for the troops and Happy Birthday a little early. My birthday is today!
Thanks for participating and sharing the art, the inspiration and the creativity. Happy Memorial Day! I’ll be back to visit when the hop is over. - Jean
PS. Happy Birthday!
I'm blog hopping today (started at Hero Arts) - thank you for the chance to win some candy.
beautiful work! Happy Weekend!
Great card, love the papers!!
Your cards are beautiful but I am definitely partial to the Navy one, being an ex Navy gal myself! Thanks for all you do. You rock!
Your cards are wonderful. Thank you for participating in the Blog Hop.
I had never heard of cards for heros until this blog came out. What a great way to support the troops. My husband retired with 33years in the National Guard.
Such a great mission you are doing - love the blog hop too! My husband and I were Army!! :)
I'm starting a day late, and there are already 159 comments. I'm so glad that the Blog Hop is such a success. I enjoyed reading your comments and seeing your cards.
Thanks for mentioning the 365 Cards Blog. I didn't know about that one; it looks very interesting.
I enjoyed reading your blog this afternoon. Love the cards. I will be making some tomorrow. Thanks for the inspiration.
wow great card! LOVE your blog. Thanks for supporting our troops!
Cards for heros is such a great idea! My son is a Marine, being deployed to Afganistan in March 2010 - I hopping on this bandwagon! Thanks for sharing your cards, great inspiration!
Love your creations!
Very nice cards for such a worthy cause!
GREAT cards!! Beautiful - Kas
Love the cards you've made and I'm looking forward to sending some of my cards to Cards for Heroes.
Wow, Paula, your cards are fantastic! Thanks you for being part of the bloghop - I'm having a blast.
Have a fantastic birthday.
Such a great post and such beautiful cards - I'm loving all this blog hop!
There is nothing like looking at card decorated in red white and blue! Your cards are wonderful. It is hard for me to say which one is the best. What a great thing you are involved with. Happy Birthday for Tuesday!
Gayle Taylor
Abilene, TX
Beautiful cards. Your words are many of us are sitting here doing nothing, myself included? I'm purging my dust collecting cards now and writing some cards for the heroes on the front lines. Thanks for the reminder!
Enjoyed your post, your passion for card making and your dedication to this cause is very inspiring. Thank you!
Happy Memorial Day!
Love your cards.
great cards! Happy Memorial Day and Happy Birthday!
Beautiful post about the importance of CFH! thanks for sharing and have a great birthday on Tuesday!
This blog hop is great! I never realized how far these cards reach!Fabulous artwork!
Very nice. I'm sure they will brighten someone's day.
What a wonderful program! I haven't been making cards for very long but would love to get involved!
What a wonderful program. I haven't been making cards for very long but would like to get involved with this. Thanks! Have a great weekend!
Thanks to all our heroes and thanks to the card makers!
What a wonderful project. Thank you for sharing it!
What a great cause! Thanks for introducing it to us.
So glad that your friends son was safe. Great cards!
What you are doing is amazing and
I know you must be bringing joy
to many hearts. Thank you!!!!
So wonderful,what your all doing, can't do enough for our heros
Happy Memorial Day! All of your cards are beautiful and thank you for your creativity and dedication to this great cause. : ) Sb
Cards for Heroes sounds cool, def. looking into it! Jen Harrison
This is such a wonderful thing that you all are doing - thank you!
wonderful blog...exceptional things here being done for our soldiers...God Bless them and all who support and help. I joined the new E mail group also.Am looking forward to making cards for soldiers again since the previous one folded that I belonged to.Am happy to find yours.Blessings,Ina
Happy early birthday, Paula! I was lucky enough to be the shipper that sent the box to the USS Bainbridge - it was a great honor for me! I loved your card, just beautiful! Thank you so much for your ongoing support of CFH!
Your post was very motivating and your cards are lovely. My birthday is Tuesday, too! Hope yours is happy.
This is the first I've heard about this organization & as I start hopping, I'm getting inspired to get to work on some cards. Thanks for making cards for our troops!
Wow! I had no idea such a thing existed. I have a use now for all of those "stars and stripes" stamps I've picked up. Thanks!
what a wonderful card made with love
What a wonderful card! I loved reading your post even more. :) Thanks for sharing, this CFH Blog Hop (and its cause) is so exciting! Happy Birthday to you as well!
Both your cards and your words are inspiring!
beautiful cards and beautiful post on why you do what you do. thanks for encouraging our troops.
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