Are you participating in the
Cards For Hero Blog Hop? If so, WELCOME - if you have come here some 'other' way - then why not hop along with the rest of us. You will be inspired to get your holiday cards started and you will also be inspired to share your talents with those who are fighting for our freedoms.
Now, onto my card - this was posted a couple of days ago for the 365 card blog challenges, but since I made a holiday card - I figured it was fitting for the blog hop. Here we go:
You have 'heard' me talk about how much I like sketch challenges, and color challenges - but the NEXT best thing is a RECIPE!! When you put all those together - well - it would be an easy project, right?
On Day
Day 166 on the 365 card blog the challenge was to use
this recipe. I decided I was a bit tired of using white as my base, so I pulled out a sheet of black and got busy. I looked through my stash of patterned papers first - and decided it has been awhile since I have done a Christmas Card and it IS getting closer to that time of year.

The deadline is coming up fast for holiday cards to be sent to our troops overseas. I send my cards to
Cards For Heroes and November 1st is the deadline to get holiday cards to them so they can get them to the troops.
Now on my card, I used glimmer mist and since the recipe called for using glitter, I used a glue dot in the center of my flowers and sprinkled the glitter there. Now this card may not make it into the hands of our troops because glitter is NOT a good thing. It can get on their uniforms and make them visible to the opposing forces with the night vision goggles, so I seldom use glitter anymore for that reason. As you begin to create for the holidays, I want to encourage you to get involved with CFH. My best friend has a son-in-law that is deployed. He recieved a big box of cards from CFH that he shared with his buddies. However, the really cool thing was hearing back from my friend that she received a card from him that was a CFH card and it meant A LOT to her - and it does to the troops as well!!
Thanks for stopping by today - I hope that you have been inspired to begin your holiday cards and to share them not only with family near and far - but with those you may never know - but who fight for the freedoms we so enjoy everyday.
Now I am going to offer you all a challenge of my own - I am going to challenge you to make at least FIVE cards to send to CFH - now the catch is that they have to be HOLIDAY cards - so go make your cards and come back here and let me know by sending me a link to your five cards. I will choose one of you to receive a CFH stamp that can be used on the back of your cards when you send them off to CFH. Oh, and I may throw in a couple other little goodies too - you just never know! :)
Now, off you go - but before you go get creative - continue to hop along (you might want to bookmark me so you can find your way back) and I am sure you will find LOTS of inspiration as you visit the blogs along the way. -
Cyndi has an incredible computer generated card that will just take your breath away, and maybe even bring a little tear to your eye - I know it did for me!